her name is jing

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Presentation 2mr ~ Assignmentssss

There seems to be a problem when i pasted d code for "True Friend Test" to my blog...hmmm...any1 can help? Anywayz... to those who know me... pls take d test...i wanna c how much u guys can score! =D 2mr's my Transnational Mkt presentation. Haven prepared my speech. D work is still undone due to sum problem occurred internally. =_= I know i shouldnt continue complainin but there's always a rotten fruit in d fruit basket. Get wad i mean eh? More assignments to be dued very soon!
  1. Interactive Multimedia
  2. Multi Projec 2
  3. Business Strategy
D mos important criteria in team work is all grp members cooperate & finish their work on time. *sigh* Y is cooperation so hard?! -_-|||

Need sum rest now... tho I kinda wasted a lot of time already today. =P



At October 22, 2007 at 6:30 PM , Blogger Charles Liew said...

How did presentation go? Die already la I know. ;)

At October 23, 2007 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

working together is forever that hard


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